Guiding Teenagers
with Essential Parenting Dos and Don'ts

Raising Teens Today:
Guiding Teenagers with
Essential Parenting Dos and Don'ts
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CurlyStache | Mashup: Cacophony: Ruckus in the Head

The Mashup:
Short Raising Teens Blog Entries. Opinionated. Grounded in Facts.
008 - 12.04.23
Cacophony: Ruckus in the Head
How many of you out there have a teen that makes your mind want to melt down from a cacophony of turbulence from them? Take it literally or metaphorically. I bet if you stumbled upon this blog entry, that is you. To some, a better question might be, "Umm... cacophony? Could you dumb it down slightly?" To those, I won't bull shit you. I had no idea, either. It was one of those deals where I saw it in passing and found it intriguing. Armed with my smartphone, it was worth looking it up real quick. If you haven't Googled it by now, let me save you the time: "A harsh, discordant mixture of sounds."
I don't know about you, but my teens seem to effortlessly get in my head, making a helluva ruckus, literally and metaphorically. With all their complexities, wants, needs, drama, rebelliousness, attitudes, hormones, and emotions. What can I—or what can we do about it to make our lives a little easier? The straight answer without the nonsense is not much. Sure, if they are (literally) cacophonous and making sounds like nails on a chalkboard, we can have them stop. But metaphorically speaking, it's obviously not that easy.
I hate to break the news to you, but we are all cursed; now we get to see how we acted when we were teenagers to our parents, guardians, or family members. Think about it. That's how we were; sometimes for the better, sometimes worse. How do we get through it? How do we pierce the deafening cacophonic stress that our teens (to put bluntly) brought into our lives that we would otherwise never have had?
Again, the simple answer is there will never be a golden ticket to escape the noise our teens sometimes put in our heads. The easiest way to pierce the cacophony is to think of it as generating character and wisdom in us. Stay with me here; their poor decisions or rebellious actions that give us frequent anxiety, apprehension, and anxiousness are the same things that provide us with a greater appreciation for confidence, peace, and calmness.
In most cases, this will further mold us as individuals. Many believe that as you grow up, you continue to develop your likes and dislikes, primarily by trial and error. It is ever-evolving and changing until you reach adulthood, where, for the most part, your desires and opinions are fully formed. While true, many do not realize that the mind never stops in its quest for bliss. As a parent, guardian, or family member raising teens today, we will undoubtedly see a lot of "anti-bliss" moments, adding to our character and wisdom. In addition, we will add those moments to our "let's not ever go through this again" memory bank.
While raising teens today and guiding teenagers through some of their turbulent times, we are frequently reminded of the unpleasant times with the intense cacophony noises in our head from the stress and anxiety of the situation. Don't give up on them despite the noise. Keep pushing through, even if it is futile, pointless, and hopeless. The reasons for this are simple: First, obviously, if you call yourself a good parent, you need to be a good role model, being there for them. Unconditional love. Secondly, and just as important, although this typically isn't seen until later in life, it strengthens your relationship with your teen. As time passes, you and your teen will remember and recognize how you both endured, forging a bond even stronger than it may otherwise be. When you look back on it, you will realize how they were worth every stressed, anxious moment and (metaphorical) cacophonic memory.
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Until next time!

Monday, December 4, 2023
008 - "Cacophony: Ruckus in the Head"

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So, what exactly is the Mashup? Precisely as it sounds: a blend of online writing styles in a format ranging from storytelling and structured to opinionated to factual, formal to casual, and personal to professional—all while ensuring we keep true to the CurlyStache mission of guiding teenagers and raising teens today in a volatile society. The Mashup is designed to be more opinionated, grounded in facts, less researched, and directed to spark ideas and discussions.

During the weeks I cannot get a blog out, I will fill that void with a Mashup entry. Remember to follow us on Facebook @CurlyStache Blogs and through all your favorite social media outlets to get notified of the newest releases! And be sure to share it with friends and families that could benefit!
I enjoy writing and expressing my opinions on essential issues when raising teens today. There are times throughout the week when I cannot get to my computer as much as I would like—or cannot do my due diligence and research a blog to present it how I want it and still be backed by facts. This fills the void. Short articles containing whatever is on my mind grounded in current events relating to parenting and teen issues, writing in whatever style vibing at the time.
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CurlyStache | Mashup: Cacophony: Ruckus in the Head
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